Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomeas de agua dulce"

Also called diatomite or diatomaceous earth. It is a mineral of biogenetic origins; that is, algae skeletons deposited on the sea bed or bottom of lakes, or fossilised algae. Its structure varies according to the species of algae in question.

Since diatomaceous earth is a highly porous mineral of low density, it is used in agriculture for moisture retention: it retains over 150 times its weight. It is also an important source of Silicon (more than 82% of its composition is made out of hydrolized Silicon - which is 100% available to plants). Silicon is an important element, since it helps in the formation of trichomes and strengthens the cell walls, reducing mechanical damage to leaves, as well as preventing attacks by insects such as mites, thrips, aphids, whiteflies, among others. Due to its 100% NATURAL origin it does not create resistance.

In addition, DIA-FIX® is an excellent carrier and potentiator for some fungicides and insecticides: despite being chemically inert, it covers plants with a thin layer protecting them from sucking or piercing-sucking insects. DIA-FIX® acts on the exoskeleton chitin of the insects, drying out the insect and affecting its reproduction and motor systems; besides, its high content of Silicon (which is also a very hard element) breaks the sucking or piercing-sucking mouthparts of insects, causing the atrophy of their digestive systems.